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Our Root-To Guangdong
Rev. 090406

How did our ancestor get there?

Following was the story my father told me. We are the Han people.  Our small toe nail has a small split in it.  Our babies usually have a blackish gray patch of color on the lower back area when they are born but disappears when they are couple of years old.  Some doctors are not aware of this and might report this observation as child abuse to the police. A few hundred years ago our ancestor came from central China.    They traveled through a place called Nan Shong.  This still is a city at the border between the province of Guangdong and Jiangxi .  Why did they have to relocate?  I was told that one of the concubines of the local Lord (*) ran away with her lover. As a result, the local Lord sent out soldiers looking for them. Our ancestor and his wife had to run away from that place.  It was not clear why they had to run.  They ran south and  went through the city Nan Shong. Sometime after they started, they consulted a fortune teller.  The fortune teller told them to take along with them a roaster.  They should settle at wherever the roaster croaked the first time.  They continued their journey.  They reached a little island in the middle of a tributary of   the Pearl River - China's third largest river.  The roaster croaked.  They settled down in this island and called this island "Roaster croaked island".  This name remains as of this day.  The fortune teller also told them to change their names to Seto. (See last page for more details on the other view of the last name.  One possibility is that Seto was indeed their real last name and they never changed it.)They lived there ever after and we are their offspring.

(*)  In the old days, the Emperor of China gave a certain region to a member of the royal family or a person who had made significant contributions to the empire such as successfully suppressed a rebellion, or conquered a barbarian tribe.   The person became the local Lord and administer of the region.  The Lord collects taxes, sets laws and treats the region as his own little kingdom.  Of course, he has to make tributes to the Emperor of China regularly, usually annually and on the Emperor’s birthday etc.  The position is hereditary and usually to the eldest son.